Welcome to my new website

Dear visitors,

Welcome to my new website.

This website has a white background that contrasts radically with the black of the previous one. Black which in a certain way corresponded to a period of my creative life, but that it was time to change for a lighter aesthetic probably enhancing my visual productions.

The new structure, which retains the inevitable categories of presentations of my shows and installations, now includes three new categories : Videos, Sound and Tips & Tricks. These new categories will be expanded over time by artistic or technical contributions, like a blog. I will probably use it to exhume some unpublished or forgotten works …

I hope that you will be very pleased to navigate on this website as I created it with Nolwenn Blouin (Tryptyk) and that it will help you to discover some sides of my many creations.

Lastly, the birth of this new website also marks the launch of my monthly letter. It was a long time ago that it was possible to subscribe to this letter leaving an e-mail address here, but I had not found a style that suited me. I think it is now done and I am determined to post the first letters very soon! So, feel free to subscribe!

Anyway, have a good navigation and thank you for coming here!





1 Comment

  1. LE ROUX Roger

    Heureux de voir que tu es toujours en mouvement (je n’ose pas : “en marche” qui serait inconvenant dans le contexte) avec une constante exigence de qualité et de transmission.
    Je découvre avec plaisir tes terrae incognita. Bonne route cher Philippe. Je suis heureux d’avoir croisé la tienne.

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