Tubulus – Video teaser

Tubulus is a gentle musical proposal that envelops the viewer in a sound bath made up of more than 10 speakers distributed around and above the audience… The immersion is total.

SetUp A dance piece about building and death

Setup is a piece about building and its opposites; the processes of forgetting and decaying. It consists of independent scenes that approach the subject from different angles. The dance and music are both present as an equal form of art.

SetUp : Premieres in Turku

The Premières of SetUp took place in Turku, Finland. Find here some photos taken by Reino Koivula.  

TV show about Realtime Looping

Here is an excerpt from the Tracks (on Arte) TV show diffused on Sunday, September 14, 2014. From 6 minutes 29, Logelloop is introduced and we can hear a short excerpt from Toco la Toccata.

Toco la Toccata’s home tour

On June 24, 2015, I left for a week of homes’ tour. The principle was simple : play everyday in a different place, make only flea jumps to go from one place to another, play for an audience gathered by the localsin private rooms, have a drink, eat and sleep in the same house before resuming the road the next day. I decided to take a photo with the inhabitants…

The Sonophore’s stay in Quimper

Here is a photographic memory of the Sonophore stay at Quimper’s Semaines musicales  in August 2015.

At the tuner


P.O.I.S Parce que l’Ouverture Instantanée Suffit Création 2013 : La première présentation a eu lieu à Douarnenez le 12 juillet 2013 P.O.I.S est une installation photosonore qui confronte des images colorées minimalistes et parfois surréalistes et des sons électroacoustiques fabriqués sur mesure. Différents tissus constituent le fil rouge de cette création photographique.     Tout public Installation possible dans tout type de lieu ou en plein air Diffusion du son…

Naoki Kita / Philippe Ollivier

Free improvisation I met violinist Naoki Kita on a tour in Tokyo in 2008. The meeting was strong and we decided to create a Nippo-Breton concert together. Since then, our meetings are rare, but each time celebrated by some concerts. In 2011, we played in the trio Maneki Neko with clarinetist Christophe Rocher. Find here two tracks recorded in public, Natsuda! Is one of my compositions, while Naoki composed Fragment…


CRÉATION 2012 – installation sonore Opium est une installation sonore en 3D spécialement conçue pour le Sonophore.     Prendre le temps de se poser au milieu des sons. Écouter, entendre, nager ou simplement flotter. Les absorber comme une substance hypnotique. Rester encore, ou partir… Puis revenir… Opium. Le son emplit l’espace, se déplace dans le Sonophore, ou vient d’ailleurs. Entre musique acoustique, concrète et musique électronique, Opium est une…