Max? What is Max? Max is a visual programming language that was created at Ircam between 1985 and 1990 and is used by a huge number of artists who want to develop sound or visual creation applications. Max is also the language we use to develop Logelloop.

After nearly 15 years as a Max beta tester, several invitations to events about Max and computer tools for music, and a crucial discussion in California with David Zicarelli – Max’s historic programmer and head of Cycling74 – I proposed that we organise a series of days of meetings about this software at Logelloù.

These days will take place on 12, 13 and 14 September 2024 and will form part of the series of celebrations we’ve already organised at Logelloù to mark Logelloop’s twentieth anniversary.

The programme will include lectures, workshops, round tables and, above all, lots of concerts, performances and shows. Artists, researchers, university professors and teachers of electroacoustic music at conservatoires will be meeting at Logelloù for three days to share their knowledge and expertise on this extremely powerful language.

These people from France, Belgium and Germany, as well as a few Breton friends, will be playing concerts at Logelloù and in the surrounding area (La Roche Jaune in Plouguiel, Bili Gwenn in Troguéry).

I’ll be giving a presentation on Logelloop, running a workshop on integrating Patch Max into Logelloop and, most importantly, presenting a new creation, TresseS, with artist Hélène Bou.